Compliant Factories in Bangladesh – Intl. collaboration welcome
While constantly reviewing and updating our extensive internal database about Bangladeshi factories, not only in the ready-made garments (RMG) sector but also across the board, we find increasing number of compliant factories in Bangladesh, which encourages us to continue and strengthening efforts further.
Our time-consuming, detail and surgical data analysis is the core of our factory rating system exclusively for our high value clients, brands, contact & OEM manufacturers from around the world. International collaboration in factory rating algorithm, data processing and AI based platforms for the next level of big data transparency, are welcome.
We also observe a clear trend of the next level factory owners and investors, who understand and value of a compliant factory in today’s competitive world. If anybody fails to find compliant factories in Bangladesh to place order please feel free to ask us.
I am a German lawyer – not selling garments! My professional oath is to stand up for fairness and justice! There are more than sufficient production capacity in fully compliant factories in Bangladesh. The buyers just need to place order in those compliant factories and pay the fair price instead of looking for the CHEAPEST purchasing price only!
Here is one for example – A lot more are available!